The Mostra Museu: Arte na Quarentena unites art, music, and technology to bring together the public, artworks, and artists on the project's multimedia platform and in an open air exhibition.

Structured as a hybrid project - online and offline - Mostra Museu brings together worldwide visual artworks and Brazilian music production in order to spotlight the artistic production carried out during the social isolation period imposed on us all by the pandemic. In addition, it calls on us to reflect on the feelings and perceptions that we are experiencing.

For the visual arts axis, the Mostra Museu received applications via an open call for artwork produced on or after March 12, 2020 - the day that was declared a state of public calamity by WHO (World Health Organization). Artworks were submitted in two final formats: video and image - which represent different mediums: digital creations, drawings, graphic designs, paintings, photography, graffiti, visual poetry, video art, collages, installations, performances, body art, and other hybrid pieces.

The final selection was made by the curatorship of Mostra Museu, composed of Ana Carolina Ralston and The Covid Art Museum (CAM). This process was carried out in two stages: the first selection came from the CAM collection and the second came from the projects submitted on our platforms in response to the open call.

There were more than 1,200 entries from 40 different countries. About 200 artworks were selected from these entries and the selected artists sent short video testimonies describing their creation processes during the pandemic and their artistic vision.

For the music axis, the curator Pedro Henrique França invited contemporary artists from the Brazilian music scene who had created inspirational music during the isolation period. Their pandemic music was then integrated into the collection of Mostra Museu. The playlists and video clips are divided into Side A: Now Present, focused on established artists who reinvented themselves during the pandemic; and Side B: Looking to the Future, focused on new talents.

The collection of Mostra Museu: Arte na Quarentena is fully available here on the project platform, on Spotify and is exposed throughout the city in public space exhibitions with QRcodes that give access to all artistic content.


General Director: Chiara Paim Battistoni

Visual Arts Co-Curator: Ana Carolina Ralston

Visual Arts Co-Curator: The Covid Art Museum

Musical Curator: Pedro Henrique França

Programa Educativo: Ana Helena Grimaldi

Design Gráfico: Cubo 4D

Audiovisual Content Manager: Pílula Filmes

Web Development: Paulo Fehlauer

Mídias Sociais: Carolina Bastos

Press Relations: Fabiana Honorato e WGO Comunicação

Carbon Neutralization Representative: Eccaplan

Gestão Administrativa: Frida Projetos Culturais

Project Creator and Implementer: Amarello Culturartexperiência


Amarello Culturartexperiência planeja, produz e cria projetos em diversos formatos e desta forma dá vida a iniciativas como a Mostra Museu: Arte na Quarentena, entre outras tantas.

We work with a multidisciplinary team for each project to accomplish a final project that is authentically unique thanks to the diversity of people and formats strategically used to creatively accomplish it.

Fale com a gente:


The Mostra Museu : Arte na Quarentena is a Co2 neutral project.

All of the CO2 emissions related to the energy consumption of all those involved in carrying out the Mostra Museu have been quantified and compensated since the beginning of the project. In addition, financial support has been given to initiatives focused on the environment.

Keeping an eye on our habits is essential to understand where and how we can contribute so that this impact is less and less.

For there to be a change in this direction, this self-observation must be permanent in all spheres of our lives.

We hope, in this way, that the trail left by Mostra Museu: Arte na Quarentena is essentially that of art and transformation.


No total, o evento emitiu 802 kg de CO2. Foram neutralizados 1000 kg CO2. 

Projeto apoiado: Maísa REDD+ Project